Monday, 15 March 2010

Training for training's sake...

I dont like to moan about things unless I can be constructive.
However; we're all 28 days into the adventure of our lives, we've only just got our barings and, with some difficulty, we're finding our feet at our respective schools.
Enter the Ministry of Education for Daejeon: As of today we are expected to attend a two-hour class afterschool for the next three weeks. We get paid (a fairly measly sum, considering it is out-of-hours) and our expenses are covered, but not until after our first paycheck.
I've been lucky: I worked the hell-shifts at the ambulance service so that I had money to tide me over, the concept of being so broke that I cant catch the subway or bus to training isnt something I have to contend with. It isnt the same for everyone though. And these people are expected to find money that they may not have, to attend a training commitment that takes place before our paycheck.
I forgot to add that the training is only for Daejeon teachers, nobody else in the whole of South Korea will be obligated to give up their free-time like this and considering that we jumped through a thousand hoops for the prestige of being with EPIK in the first place (including attending , and completing, a ten-day orientation ) it just smacks of total beurocracy.
So, understandably we're all a little pissed off with the situation we're finding ourselves in. We're expected to give presentations as part of this program and considering the workload we're already under (and coming straight from a full days work) it makes me feel a bit let-down that we werent told this sooner.
I want to end on a positive note: I went into my administratin office today sans Guvnor, and with the help of my phraseook, managed to communicate that I hadnt received my settlement allowance yet. They said they'll talk to the board of education and hopefully, I can see it before my first paycheck next week.
It isnt the money I'm pleased about, I'm glad I made myself understood (even if I did have to call the guv towards the end to iron out some minor translations.)
And, the bright yellow thing is back in the sky...please stay!

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