Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Enter Mr. Choi & The Fridgeman Cometh

Unlike some girls I've dated, I've never been sexually excited by kitchen appliances...until now.
If you're reading this and are wondering if you've stumbled onto a thread that might be a little risque, you're only semi-right.
I'll explain: I've been fridgeless for nearly three weeks. The first day I moved in, there was a big empty space where a fridge could be. I was assured it would be delivered "on Tuesday", which was three days away.
Still reeling from general culture shock, I didnt really grasp just how vital a fridge would be. Even in my poverty stricken University years, I always had somewhere cold to put my beer (though some days it was my bedroom.) Three days without a fridge wasnt exactly a gritty life on the never-never, so I decided I'd just make do.
Tuesday came and went, no fridge magically appeared on my doorstep and the fact that I was unable to keep food in my apartment without it being prone to going bad (or at the very best, warm) started to get to me. I asked the school admin office, and they all giggled in the customary manner that is Korean for " I'm embarrassed" which was when I knew something was wrong.
The company that the school had ordered the fridge from were not playing ball, they'd become oversubscribed as early March is the start of the new University year and freshmen were their main priority, apparantly. All of this was said to me by the admin staff who were all smiling as they heard this (I understand that it is a sign of acute shame/embarrasment for Koreans to smile in these situations, but it made the experience no less disconcerting.)
Then, as the school bell rang, around the corner came a guy in air jordan flip flops, a small stick in his hand, and a look that suggested he ate 1st graders with his kimchi every morning, raw.
His name was Mr.Choi. I later nicknamed him "The Guv'nor", it seemed appropriate.
The Guv'nor turned out to be the nicest man anyone could hope to meet, he'd done some of his schooling in Utah and was well travelled in Europe too. He heard about my fridge scenario and offered to go and "bust some ass" over it. I politely agreed.
After half an hour of hearing him busting backsides in the office, I realised that I was probably in danger if looking like a moaning git, it was only a fridge, I lived close enough to some eateries and I wasnt exactly starving. Looking like a diva isnt my style (despite the heels) and in a new jo, in a new country, I didnt want to make the wrong impression. I inhaled a deep breath and as I exhaled I imagined calming, enlightening things and felt very zen.
At that moment, Mr.Choi turned to me and said "Bad news: the delivery wont be until next week, theres nothing I can do."
The group of meditating monks in my mind all sat up in unison and shouted "What the fuck?!"
I rolled my eyes and went outside, we chatted for a while and he expressed his distaste at the school's beurocracy, and then offered to take me to a good pizza place he knew.
In the next week he managed to get me my ARC card back quick, hook me up with internet, get me a phone and generally look after me and make sure I wasnt totally alienated from the Korean workplace.
Last night, with two days to spare before the supposed due-date of my fridge arriving, LG phoned Mr.Choi and said they could do it in the next hour. I could have wept.
Incidentally, its the Guvnor's birthday this Saturday, I think I owe him a few cold beers...

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