Sunday, 17 January 2010

As keen as Daejeon mustard

My contract has been sent, according to DHL. They failed to give me a reference number, however so with any luck I'll be in when it arrives.
This week we'll say goodbye to Grandad, I'm reading a passage from Corinthians and am having to put my atheism under my hat for the day. Without having faith, I am still thankful that he is now no longer in any kind of suffering and I hope that is enough.
Daejeon, my new home in the ROK, looks to be a buzzing place that is in a premium location as far as travel is concerned. To Seoul on the KTX (bullet train) is 55 mins and to Busan takes 2 hours. Bearing in mind that Korea is about the same size as England (not the whole UK), this is a good thing to know as I might be able to escape over the weekends if I so wish.
Next step: get E2 Visa and buy ticket. I'll worry about packing later.
'Be the dragon that rises from a ditch.'


  1. One of the ultimate, best, must see films, EVER: A Walk to Remember, uses a passage from 1 Corinthians 13:4.So it can't be all that bad? x.

  2. Hey Joe,

    Daejeon is a mighty fine place. Check out and you can find some good links that are Daejeon-related.

    Hope you enjoy your time here and if someone points me out in a crowd, do come over and introduce yourself.

